Cadet Class Captain

Do you have any questions about our cadet section? Why not contact our cadet section captain.

Cadet Captain
Daniella Brain

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Cadet Sailing Events

About Cadets

From late April to early September, Tudor runs a sailing evening, every Wednesday, for its junior members (aged 8 to 18). It is a very popular evening, with up to 30 boys and girls taking to the water in either their own boats or club boats. We cater for all abilities from complete novices up to cadets who regularly win club races against the adults. We are not an RYA recognised training centre and so we aim to provide supervised recreational sailing rather than a structured tuition program. That said we do have some sailing instructors amongst the members and some tuition is provided. Indeed many of the cadets have gone on to become sailing instructors themselves and will coach the younger members.

Club Boats
The club owns 10 Optimist dinghies, 3 RS Teras, 2 RS Fevas and one RS Quba which are available for the cadets to use (at a cost of £2.00 per person per session). Many of the cadets sail their own boats, mostly toppers and lasers with small rigs. Click here to view our cadet boat guide

Each season we run a cadet race series during the cadets evening, the aim of which is to introduce our cadets to racing. The races will be short and there will be an on-shore briefing each time to explain the procedure. This year we are also holding race training on non-race nights. Once per year we hold a Junior Regatta which is an open event attracting young sailors from the other nearby clubs to swell the ranks of our own cadets

How does it work?
Each evening follows the same format, namely : - registration, briefing, launching, recovery and relaxation; click here for more information.
Cadets will not be allowed on the water unless they are appropriately dressed for that evenings conditions.
We expect our cadets / parents / instructors to adhere to our Code of conduct.

Cadets evenings are run by the parents of the cadets. Parents are required to stay on site at the club during cadet activities and to help one of the following activities:-

  • Patrol boat helm
  • Patrol boat crew
  • Tudor Base/Shore liaison
  • Help rigging/launching
  • Help in the Galley

Cadets News

Cadet evenings for 2021 Season

Cadet sessions will be resuming soon as restrictions have eased. Please contact Daniella for more details

Juniors on the water sessions and cadet series races will appear shortly in the club calendar